Thursday 22 January 2009

Gerry Anderson's Star Trek

If Gerry Anderson--the man behind creepy-looking marionette action heroes like Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet--produced Star Trek, this is what Spock, Kirk and Uhura would look like:

Zoe Saldana must be thrilled to finally have her own doll that will be stripped naked by Barbie collectors' little brothers.
Actually, these are Mattel's upcoming Star Trek Barbie dolls, modeled after the likenesses of new Trek stars Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana.

Below TrekMovie's snapshots of the dolls, someone in the TrekMovie comments section said: "no offense to gay trekkies or trekkers. But, Kirk and Spock look gay." They sure do. Mattel is apparently catering to the "middle-aged housewife fangirls who like to reenact their Kirk/Spock slash fanfic fantasies with dolls" market.

'I want to shout 'I love you, Spock' on the Enterprise/It's guy love between two guys.'
"Spock, at 0600, I'll need you in my quarters to help me put on my athletic cup for tomorrow morning's game of Venusian jai alai."

"Captain, why would you need an athletic cup? You don't have any genitalia."

Speaking of Gerry Anderson/Trek mash-ups...

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