Wednesday 4 February 2009

NYCC bound

Empire State Building
From February 5 through 8, I'll be making my first visit to the New York Comic Con to get interviewed by the Comic News Insider folks and to meet other comics writers, as well as artists who are way better at this drawing thing than I am.

This will be my first trip to NYC since 2005. On my old site, I posted a gallery of snapshots I took of Manhattan when I hung around there in '05. Because is no longer on the Web, I'm reposting some of my favorite shots from my NYC photo gallery, as well as the original gallery text, which is in italics.


From 2005:

I flew to New York in early October for a long-overdue break from work and radio projects. During my brief trip, I enjoyed my first-ever egg cream (do believe the hype) and checked out both the first annual New York Television Festival in Chelsea and a screening of the controversial Korean movie The President's Last Bang at the New York Film Festival (a terrific film--my favorite politically charged dark comedy since Three Kings). I would love to live in New York someday. It's my kind of town. I wonder if there are any Fistful fans in NYC. If you're a New Yorker who tunes in, next time I'm in town, holla at me. However, I'm an Internet radio show host, and we're not quite known for having recognizable faces, so hollering at me can be kind of tricky.

East River
The East River, where hundreds of disobedient Mafiosos are dumped each year.

A closeup of the Empire State Building tower
King Kong climbed this and got killed. Sixty-seven years later, that guy from Rage Against the Machine pulled a King Kong onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards, and it was his band's career that got killed.

AFOS creator Jimmy Aquino's self-portrait
Who's this handsome fella?

Times Square
Too bad I wasn't there the day those guys in Stormtrooper costumes goosestepped all over Times Square to pimp some new Star Wars PS2 game. When I saw that Times Square Stormtrooper photo online, I thought it was some archive photo from 1999 showing how Giuliani enforced his homeless policies.

NBC Astrovision
Hey, it's Robert Blake on the NBC Astrovision. And even when Baretta's face is as tiny as it is in that photo, he still creeps me out.

Gratuitous bra shot
I don't know why I like looking at this billboard. Can someone find out why?

Federal Courthouse
"In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the parasites known as the tabloid press and the jurors who'd rather not be there. These are their stories."

ODB big-up
"Shame on you when you step through to the Ol' Dirty Bastard, Brooklyn Zoo!"

Sung Tak Buddhist Temple
The Sung Tak Buddhist Temple. Wow, I didn't know BJs are that cheap in Manhattan.

30 Rock
Hey, young Meredith Baxter, easy on the cigarette. It's only a Marlboro, not Tommy Lee's cock.

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