Saturday 19 February 2011

Saturday Smorgasbord with a side of Sew-Along

Friends, my mind is beginning to wander.  I've been sewing shirts for nearly three weeks now.  It's not like I have ADD or anything, I'm just tired of thinking about men's shirts -- and I suspect so are many of you.
Yesterday I starting attaching sleeves on what I am currently calling Negroni 3.

By the afternoon things were looking good.

You'll notice I've left off the pockets.  It doesn't need them.

I didn't interface my left front facing but when I tested my buttonholer on two layers of my thin cotton baby-print shirting I realized that the fabric needed more support, so I added a strip of weft weight interfacing, which did the job.  I think the facings on this shirt are a little too wide, don't you?

I didn't flat-fell my armscye.  I'm all about shortcuts at this point. 

Meanwhile, in glamour-girl-gone-bad land, I think I've found the perfect pattern for what henceforth will be known as the Cathy Comeback dress.  I'll probably make View C -- the middle version shown here (in black) without the peplum.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I have looked at hundreds of vintage poofy dress patterns.  There are a gazillion variations.  Have no fear, vintage fans, there are more than enough of these 50-year-old patterns still available to last many lifetimes.  When these pattern companies spotted a trend, they didn't mess around.

I found myself gravitating toward the circa 1959 bouffant, which seems to have been a very good year for big skirts.  I like the Vogue neckline more than the Butterick below, don't you?  Too Sandra Dee in Imitation of Life.

I haven't ruled out the wiggle dress or sheath.  (It's weird how many patterns of the period include both -- they're so opposite.)

I have about three yards of oyster cotton sateen and a yard of black in my stash, and I was thinking of making something like this, with the rose print worked in as skirt, coat lining, and maybe matching headband.  This is from 1964, not my favorite period but one I think would be flattering to my cousin who, let's face it, is not wasp-waisted.

OK, is this not the EXACT SAME PATTERN?  (When you start noticing things like this you've looked at too many patterns.)

I think a dress made entirely of the red rose pattern is a bit much and maybe not all that fun.  Perhaps a satin opera coat with rose print lining?  This is sounding suspiciously like a vintage Barbie outfit.

And speaking of...

I am hoping to find some Ken clothes at the flea market this weekend.  I'm visualizing a big plastic Ziploc bag containing Ken's entire early Sixties wardrobe for $5.  Won't you visualize it with me?

Folks, we're out of time.  I'm off to go doll clothes shopping.  You?

Happy Saturday, everybody!

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