Thursday 5 August 2010

Peter's padded blog!

Friends, perhaps it's the arrival of August, or the heat, or something, but my thoroughly unscientific analysis suggests that there's not a lot of sewing going on these days.  Or is it just me?

Elaine's shopping for notions. Gertie's buying new glasses.  Elizabeth is in the throes of paralysis.  Sigrid is missing in action

What is going on?

Having finished Cathy's Hollywood 1942 dress last Friday, I haven't had the energy to return to the sewing machine at all.  I don't know what I'll be sewing next and nothing in my queue is really charging me up.

As a result, instead of blogging about sewing, I have formally entered the scary "meta" universe of blogging about blogging about sewing!

I had a few topics in my head initially, but they're still gestating I guess.  Or maybe they're just not all that interesting to me.

Are you a sewing blogger who's not sewing and looking for blogging ideas?  These are all up for grabs, folks, so if any of these strikes your fancy, run with it!

I thought of writing about pattern mixing.   This sort of thing...

But I just couldn't work up the enthusiasm.  Whatever.
I thought about blogging about men in tights...

...but it just seemed so obvious.  You wanna wear tights, guys?  Go right ahead!

I thought about writing about politically incorrect fashion advertising...

...but I'd rather leave that to someone who feels more passionate about it.  There's a LOT of material to be had, goodness knows.

I thought about the strange and ironic popularity of Tyrolean looks during WWII....


I even thought about writing about visible tattoos and high fashion.  But who am I -- whose last tattoo was a rub-on "Dopey" dwarf (from Disney's Snow White) that came free in a box of Jiffy Pop in 1972 -- to enter that scary realm?

Dear Hearts and Gentle Readers, I'm figuring out that it is time to stop thinking about sewing and start sewing again.

You see what happens when I skip my weekly goal-setting and obsessive nagging?

Many of you have been trying to suggest as much, I know, but being the soft-touch types, you didn't want to push me and I appreciate that.   But it's time to put the metal to the pedal...or the pedal to the metal...or, well you know what I mean.

I hope you're not experiencing sewing inertia and gratuitous blog padding, friends.  It's time we collectively pulled ourselves out of our sewing slumps.  Tempus fugit, as they say.

Now then, tell me: WHAT are you sewing and WHEN will you be sewing it?

Seen any good old movies lately?

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