Thursday 19 August 2010

1960 MAD MEN Wiggle Dress Pattern GIVEAWAY!

Good morning, all!

As you can probably guess after Wednesday's pre-dawn post, I spent most of yesterday in bed trying to catch up on my sleep.  I am happy to report that, not only do I feel rested and refreshed, I also look ten years younger.

Michael made the most refreshing summer drink with dinner, which helped.  Here's the recipe: 


To a (room temperature or cool but not iced) half-gallon-sized pitcher of filtered water add:
  • Several stems of basil (leaves and, in this case, basil flowers)
  • Several stems of mint leaves
  • One yellow cucumber, sliced thin (green will do, peel if not organic)
Refrigerate for one hour.  Serve over ice, with a bit of maple syrup to taste.

Refreshing and so invigorating!

But let's get back to sewing...

Friends, as you've pored over Cathy's photo shoots featuring the styles of so many different eras, you may have noticed that the period conspicuously absent is the late Fifties-early Sixties, currently known as the MAD MEN era.

I do not own a television set, so all I know about MAD MEN is what I read on the sewing blogs, increasingly my sole source of information, period.  I know it has something to do with wiggle skirts, advertising, and Brylcream.

As far as women's fashion goes, I'm not fond of this era.  Of course, this was the height of the Doris Day sex comedy, and Doris was undoubtedly fetching in those cinched-waist, wiggly-skirted sheath dresses.

They just look so uncomfortable to me and Cathy -- who refuses to cinch -- isn't fond of them either.  Or the hair, or the shoes...

Anyway, my loss is your gain.

I think it was reader Kelly who sent me this pristine, 32" bust, McCall's classic wiggle dress pattern from 1960 and I believe I received Kelly's permission to give it away.  If it wasn't Kelly and and if I don't have permission to give it away, well, you never should have sent it to me in the first place.

(Click on photos to supersize.)

Your pattern is complete and in excellent condition.  It has been sniffed by dogs but that's the extent of it.  Again: It's a vintage Size 12 or a 32" bust.

To vote, please leave a comment below.  However, this comment MUST rhyme.  It can be as simple as:

In that pattern
I'd look like a slattern.


Girls in wiggle dresses
Rarely are successes.  

Those are my rhymes; you'll you have to come up with your own.  A simple couplet is sufficient.  Sonnets are welcome but won't earn you extra points.


Deadline is Friday, 6 a.m. EST.  I will announce the winner (chosen at random) on Friday morning.  I'll need your mailing address ASAP as I'm leaving town on Saturday, or else you'll have to wait a week.  Sounds fair, right?

I'm opening this up to my readers all over the globe, so Aussies and Kiwis, rev your engines.

Have a great day everybody.  Get out your rhyming dictionaries!

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