Saturday 11 September 2010

How to 1) mesmerize your dogs and 2) make button loops!

First the dogs.  Reader Debbie Cook sent these lovely drumsticks to me in the mail, but they seemed a little small and tough so I gave them to the dogs.  They love 'em!

Thank you, Debbie, from Willy and Freddy and all of us!

Oh, and Debbie, next time when you make drumsticks, cover the pan with aluminum foil.  They won't dry out so much.  Or try a little Shake'n Bake.

Now on to the button loops.  I made them!

Here's how I did it.

I made tubes from bias I cut from my fashion fabric, stitching wrong-side-out at 1/2" and trimming.

With a loop turner, I turned the tubes right side out.  (This takes some patience when you're working with stiffer fabrics.)

For my loops, I cut the tubes into 2" pieces.  Don't press them; you want them to stay tube-like.

I attached Collins Wonder Tape (Thanks again, Debbie!) to the seam allowance.  It's VERY sticky.

Lining up the seam allowance to a ruler, I carefully stuck each button loop on, making sure they were large enough for the button but not too large (since they were cut on the bias they have some stretch).

Here's how they look from the right side.

Next I add the facing.

I stitch on the facing, trim the seam allowance, and then I turn right-side out.

Ta da!

They actually weren't hard to do at all; the tough part was making those tubes with the loop turner.

And that's it!  I'm almost done with the dress as you can see and hopefully Cathy will show up (she's been a little unreliable lately -- acting out, perhaps?) and we can do our photo shoot.

Here's the Burda pic of the dress btw: it's A-line tunic dress #102.

So it's a weekend of glamour and quasi-celebrity for me -- what do you have lined up?

Any button loops in your near future/favorite chicken recipes you care to share?

Happy Saturday, everybody!

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