Monday 6 September 2010

Irons and Doilies and Bernstein, Oh, My!

One of the biggest unexpected benefits of teaching myself to sew has been learning how to iron.  Before June, 2009, I didn't even own an iron!

My mother didn't iron much when we were kids -- those were the days of wash and wear -- and as an adult, the only things I might have ironed myself, like a dress shirt, I usually sent out to the laundry.

Fast forward to now:  I love to iron and I do it almost daily. 

My first "serious" iron -- meaning one I bought with the intention of ironing my sewing projects, is a Black & Decker Digital Advantage D2030.

The only reason I chose it was because, among all the irons for sale on Amazon, this one had the most positive feedback -- more than a thousand happy ironers!  For some reason this iron is no longer available, and the subsequent B&D models are not very popular.

I love this iron.  It's easy to use and not temperamental in the least.

But with my interest in vintage sewing machines has come a curiosity about vintage irons.  As I've researched my upcoming suit project, I've been reading more about pressing techniques, and it sounds like the heavier the iron, the better the results.  My Black & Decker is a bit of a lightweight.

So yesterday on eBay I purchased this:

It's a six-pound vintage General Electric -- working, apparently, with the cord in good condition -- and I can't wait to give it a try.  It is not a steam iron, so I'll have to keep a spray bottle of water handy.  This looks like a serious iron to me.  If nothing else, it will give me a good upper body workout.  It cost about $15, shipping included. 

This is how I envision myself.  Don't I look serious?

On a somewhat related note, look what I picked up yesterday at the flea market to dress up my treadle when she's not in use -- two for $1!

I've never been much of a fan of vintage linens, but now that I have this 1920 treadle in the living room, I may be changing my mind.  Does anything look prettier than that?  To think people used to make these by hand!  Now all I need is a dish of peppermint candies and I will be an actual grandmother.

So, my friends, on this Labor Day (oh, the irony --  Eek!  Bad pun!!) I ask you:

What do you iron with? How did you make you choice?  What are your must-haves with regard to irons?

Have you ever made your own ironing board cover?  (Sunni (The Cupcake Goddess) has a great tutorial and do you think I ever used it?)

Always so much to learn...

Hey,  check out the lovely sewing machines in this number!

Have a great day, everybody!

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