Monday 6 September 2010

First-ever MPB Readers POLL!

Is it just me, or does the Tuesday after Labor Day (for us Americans at least) feel like a new beginning?

I suppose it comes from my school years, when the second week in September meant a new classroom, a new three-ring binder, and a new box of Crayola crayons (the 64-pack with the sharpener in the back).  But enough about high school...

Given this sense of fresh starts, I've decided to pick your brains a bit.  I've been sewing and scribbling away here at MPB these last eight months or so, and I've never really checked in directly with you, wise readers.

How am I doing, in your opinion?

I'd love to hear from you. What would you like to see more of here at Male Pattern Boldness?  What do you enjoy the most?  For the poll below, I've created a list of possibilities, but please don't limit yourself to just these (unless you care to).

Which items listed would be your top top five choices?

(I'm going to choose my top five too and later we can compare notes.)

If you could elaborate, or if what you want was not mentioned, please feel free to comment below.

Thanks for your time, your comments, and for all your continued support, everybody!

Catch you on the morrow!

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